Secretary- Treasurer Responsibilities

Here is the responsible as dictated by the Constitution of the Debney JR Mess

The Mess Secretary is responsible to the PMC for:

a. preparing and dispatching Mess correspondence;

b. preparing and posting the Agenda for the Mess Executive Committee and general

Mess meetings;

c. recording and publishing minutes of Mess Executive Committee and general

Mess meetings; and

d. other duties as assigned.

The Treasurer is responsible for:

a. presenting financial statements at Mess Executive Committee and general Mess


b. interpreting and advising the Mess Executive Committee on the financial

condition of the Mess and general financial matters. In particular, the Treasurer is

responsible for ensuring the Mess Executive Committee is aware of the financial

implications of any decisions;

c. preparing an annual budget and monitoring the actual financial results in

comparison to the budget;

d. conducting liaison with the Mess Manager and 41 CBG NPFAO on financial


e. supervising the administration of the books of account;

f. administering the Gift Fund; and

g. other Mess duties as may be assigned by the PMC.