Employment Tools

CFMWS Employment Assistance

Assistance with looking for employment, resume tips, and local resources.

Please contact Brenda Davidson at Brenda.Davidson@forces.gc.ca or at 780-973-4011 ext. 7048

Full Time Summer Employment (FTSE)

Please click the link here

REO Class B Jobs:

Reserve Employment Opportunities (REO) is where the CAF advertises Class B job opportunities, either temporary (less than a year) or Permanent (typically 3 years).

Please select the link here to conduct and advance search of jobs available.

REO's can be searched by job language, rank requires, and physical location (Edmonton, Ottawa, etc...)

In order to apply to an REO, you must submit a request/ resume to your CoC. If approved they will submit via Monitor Mass. Any questions should be directed to your CoC.

Edmonton MFRC Job Opportunities:

Please click the link here

Government of Canada Jobs:

Please click the link here

Alberta Public Service Jobs:

Please click the link here

Advertising your job opportunities:

If you are an employer or your company is hiring, please email Junior.Ranks@debneymess.com and we will post your job here