Debney Junior Ranks Constitution and By Laws


Part I - Constitution

Part II - Bylaws


Annex A — Dress

Annex B — Duties of Mess Executive Committee Members

Annex C — Duties of the Mess Manager



1. The name of the institution is the Lieutenant Colonel P.L. Debney Junior Ranks Mess,

hereinafter referred to as the 'Mess". The Mess consists of one facility located in the

Lieutenant Colonel P.L. Debney Armoury, Edmonton, Alberta.


2. The Mess is established under the authority of QR&O 27.1 and the Commander 3rd Canadian Division. It shall be operated in accordance with regulations, orders and directives governing the operation of messes in the Canadian Armed Forces and the instructions contained in this Constitution. The Bylaws further amplify the Constitution.


3. Wherever the appointment "Mess Commanding Officer" (Mess CO) appears in either the Constitution or the Bylaws it will mean the Mess CO as appointed by the Commander 41 Canadian Brigade Group (CBG). The Mess CO is the final approving authority for:

a. the Mess Constitution and Bylaws;

b. general mess and mess committee meeting minutes;

c. budgets; and

d. all policies, either written or verbal, regulations, directives and orders pertaining

to the Mess.


4. The Mess shall be operated for the purpose of:

a. encouraging esprit de corps and fostering good fellowship amongst its members;


b. providing goods, services and amenities to its members.

5. The Mess shall receive and account for all allowances and donations which apply to it.


6. The membership of the Mess shall consist of the following categories as defined in

CFAO 27-1:

a. ordinary members;

b. associate members;

c. honorary members; and

d. special membership.


7. The Mess's ordinary membership consist of:

  1. all serving Junior members of units located in the Lieutenant Colonel P.L. Debney

Armoury are members of the Mess effective their COS date.

8. An ordinary member:

a. shall pay membership fees in full when due;

b. shall have full voting powers at a general mess meeting or extraordinary general mess meeting;

c. may hold office on any Mess Committee or Sub-committee; and

d. has full rights of access to the Mess, its facilities and amenities, subject to the

Constitution and Bylaws of the Mess.


9. The following persons, subject to the approval of the President of the Mess Committee

(PMC) and the Mess CO, may become associate members of the Mess:

a. Retired — This category is for retired Junior NCO's of the Canadian Forces.

Applicants under this category are to complete the membership application form

and attach a certificate of service. A signature of a sponsor is not required.

Applications under this category require approval of the Mess Committee and the

approval of the Mess CO;

b. Working — This category is for DND civilian employees holding Junior NCO

status, and members of the Supplementary List, Cadet Instructors Cadre or the

Canadian Rangers. Applicants under this category are to complete the

membership application form. A signature of a sponsor is not required.

Applications under this category require the approval of the Mess Committee and

the approval of the Mess CO; and

c. Social — This category is for people, other than those mentioned in subparagraphs a and b, who may be admitted to membership for a term not to exceed one year (and renewed for further one-year terms). Applicants under this category are to complete the membership application, attach a biography and obtain the signature of a sponsor who is an ordinary member of the Mess. The application under this category requires the approval of the Mess membership at a general mess meeting and the approval of the Mess CO.

10. Associate members:

a. shall pay membership fees in full when due;

b. are non-voting members of the Mess. An associate members' representative

attends all Mess Committee and general mess meetings to ensure the associate

membership's interests are known;

c. shall be accorded the privileges of the mess, but may not serve on the Mess

Committee. An associate member may assist the Mess Committee or a

subcommittee, but by doing so assumes no responsibility; and

d. may have their membership suspended or cancelled for cause. An associate

member will be notified in writing by the Mess Committee of the suspension or

cancellation of their membership.


11. This category of membership is for individuals who have made a significant contribution

to the community, the Canadian Forces or the Mess. Nominations for this category of

membership shall be made in writing to the PMC who will review the nomination and

forward it to the Mess CO with his/her recommendation. The Mess CO's approval is

required for honorary members.

12. Members of the Canadian Regular Force or Primary Reserve are honorary members of

every mess appropriate to their rank, except in the mess in which they are ordinary or

associate members.

13. Honorary members are non-voting members of the Mess. They shall be accorded the

privileges of the Mess but shall not pay mess subscriptions nor serve the Mess in any

capacity. An honorary member may be assessed a proportionate share of expenses

associated with any mess function or entertainment attended.

14. This membership can be terminated by either the Mess or the honorary member giving 30

days written notice.


15. This category of membership is a group membership for various types of service

organizations. Applications for membership will be made in writing to the PMC who will

bring it to the attention of the Mess membership at a general mess meeting. This type of

membership is a non-voting membership and is subject to the approval of the general

membership, the PMC and the Mess CO.


16. The Mess shall be administered by a committee appointed by the Mess CO or elected

from the ordinary members at a general mess meeting. An ordinary member of the Mess

is elected to office on the Mess Committee by a majority of a quorum at a general mess


17. The Mess Executive Committee shall consist of a minimum of three members, including:

a. President (PMC);

b. Vice-president (VPMC); and

c. Secretary/Treasurer.

18. The Mess Committee may include additional appointments of

a. an entertainment member;

b. a bar member;

c. a housing member;

d. unit representative (non-voting);

e. an historical member (non-voting); and

f. such other members as may from time to time be required.

19. The Non-Public Funds Accounting Officer (NPFAO), Associate Members'

Representative and Mess Manager are ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

20. The duties and responsibilities of the Mess Committee members shall be set-out in the



21. Any member of the Mess Committee or any sub-committee who suspects that he is in a

conflict of interest position shall report the conflict of interest to the Mess Committee.

The Mess Committee shall make recommendations to the Mess CO, who shall adjudicate

on the advisability of the member remaining in office.


22. Sub-committees may be formed by the Mess Committee to assist any Mess Committee

member in the performance of his duties or to perform such other specific functions as

may be from time to time required. The number of members of each sub-committee and

their terms of reference shall be specified by the Mess Committee. Sub-committee

members must be ordinary or associate members of the Mess.


23. Meetings shall be held as follows:

a. Mess Executive Committee meetings shall be held at the call of the PMC and

shall occur no less frequently than once quarterly;

b. general mess meetings shall be held at the call of the PMC and shall occur no less

frequently than semi-annually;

c. extra-ordinary general mess meetings will be convened at the request of the Mess

CO, the PMC or 50 percent of the ordinary membership reasonably able to attend

to consider any matter relevant to the operation of the Mess.

d. under extreme and abnormal circumstances (i.e. COVID19 pandemic), general Mess meetings may be held at the individual unit level, presided over by the Unit Representative or to be conducted digitally in a manner that can be audited. All motions are to be voted on, and results forwarded electronically to the PMC, VPMC, and the Mess CO (or their delegate).

24. Mess Committee Executive meetings will be held to:

a. approve, subject to audit, the Mess financial statements;

b. approve expenditures which come within the Mess Committee Executive's

authority; and

c. consider any other matters relevant to the operation of the Mess.

25. General mess meetings shall be held to:

  1. approve financial statements, budgets and expenditures beyond the Mess

Committee Executive's authority;

b. approve proposed mess activities;

c. elect the Mess Committee Executive;

d. review associate membership nominations; and

e. consider any other matters of the Mess.

26. The approved agenda for a general mess meeting shall be posted in the Mess at least one

week prior to the meeting.

27. A quorum for a mess meeting shall consist of at least 20 percent of the ordinary

membership that are not detached service away from units at the armoury, considered by

the unit to be Non-Effective Strength, or excused from drill and training. The Mess CO

may authorize a smaller percentage as constituting a quorum at a given meeting. In such a

case, the circumstances necessitating a smaller quorum will be attached to the minutes of

that general mess meeting. The number of members in attendance at any general mess

meeting shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

28. The business before any mess meeting shall be decided by a majority vote of those in

attendance at the meeting.

29. The secretary shall keep minutes of all Mess Committee meetings and all general mess

meetings. These minutes shall be approved by the Mess CO. A copy of the approved

minutes shall be posted in the Mess as soon as practical. Copies will be distributed to the

unit CO(s), the Mess Manager, the NPFAO, the Minute Book and the Mess Committee



30. Bylaws for the operation of the Mess may be made or amended by a motion at a general

mess meeting or an extraordinary general mess meeting. New Bylaws and amendments

to existing Bylaws required the concurrence of the Mess CO.


31. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any ordinary member of the Mess.

Proposals to amend the Mess constitution shall be made in writing to the PMC, as a

Notice of Motion, signed by both the members moving and seconding the motion.

32. The PMC shall post the Notice of Motion at least fourteen full days prior to the next

general or extraordinary general mess meeting, at which the amendment will be

considered. Amendments require a majority vote of the ordinary members present at the

meeting and subsequent approval of the Mess CO.

33. None of the rules or provisions in this Constitution or the related Mess Bylaws shall be

deemed to contravene any order, regulation, directive or publication taking precedence

over this Constitution. Should any rule or provision contravene or conflict with orders,

regulations, directives or publications for the operation of Messes issued by higher

authority, the Mess Committee shall cause the pertinent provision in the Constitution or

Bylaws to be replaced or amended as applicable.


34. The terms and provisions of this Constitution and these Bylaws, having been adopted by

a majority vote of the ordinary members on November 3, 2010 and approved by the Mess

CO, shall supersede all previous Constitutions and Bylaws of this Mess.

Lieutenant Colonel P.L.Debney Junior Ranks Mess


1. The purpose of these Bylaws is to set out the rules of operation of the Mess in

accordance with the Constitution.


2. Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any ordinary member of the Mess.

Proposals to amend the Mess Bylaws shall be made in writing to the PMC, as a Notice

of Motion, signed by both the members moving and seconding the motion.

3. The PMC shall post the Notice of Motion at least fourteen full days prior to the next

general or extraordinary general mess meeting, at which the amendment will be

considered. Amendments require a majority vote of the ordinary members present at the

meeting and subsequent approval of the Mess CO.


4. The normal tenure of the elected or appointed members of the Mess Committee shall be

one year. A member, after serving a term, may be eligible for re-appointment or re-election,

subject to the approval of the Mess CO.

5. The duties and responsibilities of the Mess Committee members shall be set-out in Annex B of these Bylaws.


6. Sub-committees may be formed for the purpose of assisting members of the Mess

Committee for the execution and conduct of various functions, for example an

entertainment committee or housing_ committee. Sub-committees will normally consist

of a mess committee member as chairman and an ordinary member from each unit.


7. The Mess may hire employees for the positions of Mess Manager and bartender. The

Mess may also employ temporary employees as required. These employees may be

military (in accordance with CANLANDGEN 002/00) or civilian personnel hired directly

by the Mess.

8. The duties and responsibilities of the Mess Manager are set out in Annex C of these Bylaws. The Mess Manager shall maintain a list of duties and responsibilities for the

bartenders and temporary employees.

9. The PMC shall determine the wage rates for normal time, overtime and/or bonuses for all Mess employees.

10. An employee file shall be maintained for each Mess employee.

11. No Mess member shall censure or give orders to any member of the Mess staff with

respect to their duties. Complaints or other comments will be directed to the PMC for


12. Employees shall not enter the Mess except during their duty period.


13. The Constitution details criteria for membership, procedures for approving associate,

honorary and special membership, and membership privileges for each class of


14. All members shall comply with the Mess rules. Membership may be suspended or

withdrawn for unsatisfactory conduct or abuse of Mess privileges. The Mess Committee

or the member's CO shall notify the member in writing of any suspension or cancellation

of a member's Mess membership.


15. Subscriptions are imposed to defray general mess expenses.

16. A monthly subscription shall be assessed to each ordinary, associate and special member

of the Mess.

17. Mess subscription rates shall be set out in general mess meeting minutes approved by the

Mess CO.

18. Mess subscription for ordinary members shall commence on their COS date. Mess

subscriptions and assessments will be charge, pro rata, on a daily basis for any period of

less than a full month.

19. Honorary members shall not be assessed a mess subscription.

20. All Mess members shall pay their mess dues no later than:

a. the 15th of the month following the month in which they were incurred; or

b. the date they cease to be a mess member.

21. For mess members electing to pay through a debit on their pay account, this election does

not eliminate their responsibility for ensuring that their mess account is paid in full by

the dates detailed in paragraph 20.


22. All bar operations shall be conducted on a cash basis. Chits are not authorized.

23. Bar prices shall be proposed by the Mess Manager and approved by the Mess Executive

Committee and the Mess CO. Prices shall be posted in a prominent location behind the


24. Sales of liquor by the bottle and beer by the case are prohibited. All liquor, beer and wine sold in the Mess will be consumed in the Mess.

25. The Mess is subject to all Alberta Liquor Licensing Regulations, and as such,

contravention of these Regulations may result in suspension of the Mess liquor license

and/or fines.

26. Alcoholic beverages will not be served to persons under the age of 18 years.

27. Bar hours shall be fixed by the CO and shall be posted in a prominent location. Bar hours shall not be extended without the consent of the PMC, or the consent of the VPMC in the

PMC's absence. Bar hours shall not be extended beyond operating limits allowed by

provincial legislation. Members and their guests shall vacate the Mess one half hour after

the bar closes. Mess staff shall ensure the Mess is secure prior to departing.

28. Mess staff are not permitted to sell merchandise outside the authorized bar hours.

29. The PMC or senior member present in the Mess may close the bar at any time as

considered necessary.

30. The PMC or senior member present will give approval to the bar staff to close the bar

outside of scheduled mess hours. Bar staff must seek permission from PMC or senior

member present if they choose to reduce bar hours (i.e. early last call).


31. Mess funds may be expended on behalf of the Mess members by the PMC and the Mess

Executive Committee up to the limits established in the Mess Standing Minutes. The

PMC, VPMC, Treasurer, and Entertainment Member are furthermore authorized to spend

funds where directly necessary for operations, up to the amounts described below:

a. PMC, $5000

b. VPMC, $3000

c. Secretary/Treasurer, $1000

d. Entertainment Member, $1000

These expenses must be approved by another member of the executive in advance. A

report of all such expenses must be provided at the following general mess meeting.

32. A budget shall be prepared by the mess executive committee and presented to the general

mess membership. The budget must be approved by a majority vote of the ordinary mess

members present at a general mess meeting and approved by the Mess CO. Actual

expenditures will be compared against the budgeted expenditures. The Mess Executive

Committee shall stay within the approved budget, but may recommend budget

adjustments based on actual performance.


33. Accounting records will be maintained by the 41 CBG NPFAO in accordance with Non-

Public Funding accounting regulations and directives.

34. Mess banking shall be carried out through an account established at a local financial

institution. The treasurer will ensure that all expenditures are supported by an approved

cheque requisition and cheques are signed by two signatories.


35. A gift fund will be established from voluntary contributions made by ordinary members.

This contribution will be one percent of mess dues.

36. A trust account will be established within the Mess's NPF accounting records for this

expense. Payment may be made at the same time mess dues are paid.

37. This account is for gifts to retiring or departing ordinary members and ordinary members

in time of bereavement or hospitalization. The following criteria must be met in order for a member to receive a gift from this fund:

a. the individual is currently an ordinary member of the Mess;

b. the individual's mess account is paid in full;

c. the individual has been a member of the Mess and contributed to the gift fund for

a minimum of three years; and

d. in the case of retirement and departure gifts, the individual has not received a

retirement or departure gift from this Mess on a prior occasion.

38. Gifts or donations are not to exceed $50. Any ordinary member contributing to this Fund

is eligible. All expenditures from this fund must be authorized by the PMC.


39. President of the Mess Committee is approved up to $100, renewable every year on 01 April, in discretionary expenses including, but not limited to alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, food, and other consumable or non-consumable products sold at the Debney Junior Ranks Mess for the purposes of entertaining Officers, NCM’s, and guests. The remaining balance of this “bar card” is not transferred into the next year.


40. A member may pay any outstanding debt to the Mess with a personal cheque. It shall be

the duty of the member and individual staff member receiving the cheque to ensure that:

a. cheques are fully completed, showing date, account number, and signature; and

b. cheques will be annotated on the back with the following information:

(1) service number and rank;

(2) unit;

(3) home address and telephone number (if not on the front of the cheque);


(4) name of staff member cashing the cheque.

41. If a cheque is returned non-sufficient funds (NSF), the member writing the cheque will be financial responsible for paying the original amount owing plus any related NSF fees charge to the Mess.

42. The Mess reserves the right to refuse the acceptance of a cheque as payment from any

member or non-member of the Mess.


43. The Mess Executive Committee will maintain an up-to-date inventory of all Mess

furniture and effects (F&E), including artifacts and memorabilia located and/or owned by

the Mess. This inventory will show the item description, its current location, date

received, donated by/received from (if applicable), and its estimated replacement value.

The inventory will be adjusted immediately upon receipt or removal of items to/from the

Mess. An update copy of this information is to be provided to the 41 CBG NPFAO


44. The 41 CBG NPFAO will maintain a property record in accordance with current

regulations and guidelines.

45. The Mess Manager is responsible to ensure that procedures to add/dispose of item(s)

to/on the Mess property records as detailed in current regulations and guidelines are


46. No furniture, equipment or other property of the Mess is to be removed from the Mess

(including relocating to the Officers and Warrant/ Sgt's Mess) or the building without

prior permission of the PMC.

47. Members shall report to the Mess Manager any breakage or loss that they may have

caused or noticed. The Mess Manager will notify the PMC. Articles broken accidentally

or intentionally may be charged to the individual responsible for the damage. Losses or

deficiencies occasioned to member's willful or negligent actions shall be recovered in

accordance with the provisions of QR&O 38.01.

48. Defects in the operation of electronic equipment are to be reported to the Mess Manager.

Members will not attempt to make any repair or adjustment to such equipment.


47. A mess guest is a person formally invited by the Commander 41 CBG, the Mess CO, a

unit CO or PMC on behalf of the Mess and is extended formal courtesies of the Mess. It

is the duty of all members of the Mess to ensure that mess guests are suitably entertained.

50. The Mess PMC or Mess CO may utilize the PMC's chit to entertain the official mess

guests. The Mess PMC or Mess CO must approve this expenditure. Expenditure limits

for the PMC's chit are contained within the Mess Standing Minutes.


51. Subject to any restrictions in times and locations which may be announced by the Mess

Committee, members may invite personal guests into the Mess at times when the Mess is

regularly open. A member is responsible for the conduct and dress of any guest

introduced to the Mess. The member will assume responsibility for the complete cost of

entertaining personal guests.

52. Honorary members shall not invite personal guests to the mess without the permission of

the PMC.

53. It is the duty and responsibility of each member to make personal guests welcome.

54. Animals are not permitted in the Mess.


55. Acknowledgement of the presence of the Commander, any other officer in the rank of

Brigadier-General or higher or governmental official is a matter of courtesy. Members

will rise to acknowledge the Commander when her/she first enters the Mess and will

remain silent until informed to carry on.


56. A Mess entertainment program shall be planned and approved by the Mess Committee.

57. Members shall be advised of proposed events at each general mess meeting and a copy of the Mess calendar of events and other notices will be displayed on the Mess notice board. In addition, a copy of the Mess calendar of events will be sent to each unit.

58. Funding for entertainment events must be approved within the Mess budget or as a

separate motion by the general membership at a general or extraordinary mess meeting.


59. All facilities and assets of the Mess are held for mutual use by all mess members.

60. The PMC may authorize the exclusive use of the Mess for the benefit of individual

members or groups of members, upon application. Such exclusive use shall be in

accordance with conditions established by the Mess Executive Committee. Exclusive use

of the Mess for the benefit of an individual member or group of members shall not be

authorized when such use would conflict with a planned Mess activity. Any expense

involved in such exclusive use shall be borne by the member or group of members



61. A member may use or sponsor the Mess facilities for private entertainment subject to the

approval of the PMC. Should approval be granted, the member shall be responsible for

conduct, bar operation, furniture, fittings and; the general good order of the Mess.

62. A surcharge will be levied against all private functions to cover costs for cleaning,

bartending and staff, and wear and tear on Mess property.


63. Every member shall be personally responsible for their conduct and the conduct other

guests in the Mess.

64. The PMC or in the absence of the PMC, the senior ordinary member present in the Mess,

shall be responsible to the Mess CO for the maintenance of discipline and observance of Mess regulations in the Mess.

65. Occasionally, the situation may arise where the only remaining ordinary member is

required to leave the Mess. In such a case, the last ordinary member remaining will

designate an associate member who shall be responsible for Mess discipline.

66. The Mess CO or the PMC may impose restricted privileges on any member for

misconduct or infraction of any Mess order or instruction. In each instance, a report shall

be made in writing to the member's CO.


67. Dress is published in Annex A of the Bylaws.


68. A Mess Suggestion Book shall be maintained in the Mess. Suggestions/propositions

shall be duly recorded and seconded by an ordinary member at least seven days prior to

Mess meeting. All suggestions/proposals shall be included in the agenda, subject to

approval by the Mess CO. Proposals to amend the Constitution or Bylaws and

sponsorship of candidates for associate, honorary or special membership shall not be

entered in the Suggestion Book.

Annex A

To Lieutenant Colonel P.L. Debney Junior Ranks Mess Constitution and Bylaws


  1. The following orders of dress are authorized in the Mess:

a. Formal;

(1) Men. Uniform No 3 with bowtie or dress suit with shirt and tie, tuxedo

(with mini medals, if applicable); or

(2) Women. Uniform No 3 with bowtie or white blouse, evening gown (with

mini medals, if applicable), cocktail dress or dress suit.

b. Semi-Formal;

(1) Uniform No 3, dress, pantsuit, suit, sports jacket with shirt and tie or


c. Informal;

(1) DEU-3;

(2) suit and tie;

(3) sports jacket or blazer, tie and slacks;

(4) dress (ladies);

(5) coordinated pant suits; or

(6) skirt and blouse or sweater (ladies).

d. Casual; (See note below)

(1) military dress of the day;

(2) open collared shirt or blouse and slacks; sweater and slacks; or

(3) skirt and blouse or sweater (ladies).

NOTE: interpretation of this standard is equivalent to "business casual". Jeans, dress suitable to

'clubbing" or slovenly in appearance is not permitted.

e. Relaxed;

(1) respectable relaxed attire including t-shirts and jeans;

(2) athletic/recreational wear (excluding swimsuits);

(3) clothing shall not be ripped or soiled; and

(4) shirts and footwear must be worn at all times.

NOTE: The wearing of relaxed dress in the Mess may only be authorized by the Mess PMC.

f. Special;

(1) Dress or costume appropriate to a theme event may be authorized by the

event organizing committee.

2. The following dress regulations apply to the Mess and are considered the minimum

acceptable standard:

a. Formal - Anytime and as specified;

b. Informal - Anytime and as specified;

c. Casual - Anytime unless formal and informal are specified;

d. Relaxed – On unit training nights or as specified; and

e. Special - Only when specified.

3. Military dress of the day may be worn in all areas of the Mess by personnel, except when

a formal or informal dress code is in effect.


4. Except for costumes or other special designed wear, mixed military/civilian attire and

unkempt, unpleasant or unacceptable clothing is prohibited.


5. Dress regulations apply to guests as well as members of the Mess. It is the responsibility

of the host to ensure dress regulations are observed.

Annex B

To Lieutenant Colonel P.L. Debney Junior Ranks Mess Constitution and Bylaws



1. The Mess CO shall be responsible to the Commander for:

a. ensuring the efficient operation of the Mess and overall supervision;

b. providing of guidance to the PMC;

c. approving a Mess Constitution and Bylaws; and

d. ensuring that statements of duties exist for all members of the Mess Executive

Committee and the Mess Manager.


2. The PMC shall be responsible to the Mess CO for:

a. the administration and management of the Mess in accordance with the

Constitution and Bylaws;

b. issuing a Mess Constitution and Bylaws;

c. control and accuracy of Mess property inventories including:

(1) furniture, fixtures and equipment (both public and non-public); and

(2) merchandise and supplies.

d. assisting the CO of the Mess in performance of his/her duties;

e. calling and chairing all Mess Executive Committee and Mess general meetings;

f. assisting and supervising Mess sub-committees as required;

g. scrutiny and reporting of unpaid Mess accounts;

h. approval of all events, functions or activities occurring on Mess premises; and

i. other duties as may be assigned by the CO of the Mess.


3. The Vice-PMC is responsible to the PMC for:

a. assisting the PMC in the performance of his/her duties;

b. assuming the duties of the PMC in his/her absence;

c. if no Entertainment Member has been appointed, performing the duties of the

Entertainment Member;

d. if no Housing Member has been appointed, performing the duties of the Housing


e. assisting and supervising the Vic-PMC sub-committee as required; and

f. other duties as may be assigned by the PMC.


4. The Mess Secretary is responsible to the PMC for:

a. preparing and dispatching Mess correspondence;

b. preparing and posting the Agenda for the Mess Executive Committee and general

Mess meetings;

c. recording and publishing minutes of Mess Executive Committee and general

Mess meetings; and

d. other duties as assigned.


5. The Treasurer is responsible for:

a. presenting financial statements at Mess Executive Committee and general Mess meetings;

b. interpreting and advising the Mess Executive Committee on the financial

condition of the Mess and general financial matters. In particular, the Treasurer is

responsible for ensuring the Mess Executive Committee is aware of the financial

implications of any decisions;

c. preparing an annual budget and monitoring the actual financial results in

comparison to the budget;

d. conducting liaison with the Mess Manager and 41 CBG NPFAO on financial


e. supervising the administration of the books of account;

f. administering the Gift Fund; and

g. other Mess duties as may be assigned by the PMC.


6. The Entertainment Member is responsible to the PMC for:

a. planning and executing Mess entertainment, which includes:

(1) supervising and directing the entertainment sub-committee members;

(2) coordinating all aspects of each function;

(3) advertising entertainment functions;

(4) purchasing and controlling decorations, favours or other items required for specific functions;

(5) hiring entertainers and musicians for Mess functions;

(6) decorating and setting up the Mess for Mess functions;

(7) arranging food for Mess functions;

(8) liaising with the Mess Manager for refreshments and Mess staff for


(9) ensuring proper control of function revenues in accordance with NPF


(10) providing the Mess Treasurer with an account of all expenditures on Mess

entertainment, including receipts; and

(11) ensuring that expenditures for entertainment functions do not exceed the

entertainment budget or the specific function’s budget;

b. preparing an entertainment schedule;

c. preparing the entertainment budget; and

d. such other Mess duties as assigned by the PMC.


7. Entertainment Sub-committee members are responsible to the Entertainment committee


a. duties in support of Mess entertainment as directed by the Entertainment

committee; and

b. such other Mess duties as may be assigned by the PMC.


8. The Bar Member is responsible to the PMC for:

a. ensuring a monthly independent stocktaking of all bar items is done;

b. ensuring that prices of bar items are correct and posted;

c. liaising with the Mess Manager as to types/brands of stock; and

d. such other duties as assigned by the PMC.


9. The Housing member is responsible to the PMC for:

a. maintaining a suggestion book;

b. maintaining an inventory of all Mess furniture and equipment, including artifacts

and memorabilia. This list is to be updated annually and forwarded to the PMC;

c. identifying items requiring repair and/or disposal and coordinating for that repair

or disposal with the Mess Manager;

d. ordering periodicals;

e. bringing to the attention of the Mess membership, suggestions for improvements

of the Mess facility;

f. decorating the décor of the Mess; and

g. such other duties as assigned by the PMC.


10. Unit Representatives are responsible to the PMC for ensuring their unit’s regimental

memorabilia is maintained and accounted for.

11. Unit Representatives are non-voting members of the Mess Executive Committee.

Annex C

To Lieutenant Colonel P.L. Debney Junior Ranks Mess Constitution and Bylaws


1. The function of the Mess Manager is to plan, organize, staff, direct and control all Mess

activities and events in response to the direction of the PMC.

2. The Mess Manager is responsible to the PMC for:

a. Supervisory Duties:

(1) providing recommendations to the PMC for the hiring and termination of Mess NPF personnel;

(2) training of Mess NPF personnel;

(3) scheduling of Mess NPF personnel;

(4) supervising Mess NPF personnel to ensure proper performance their duties; and

(5) verifying accuracy and certifying time sheets for Mess NPF personnel.

b. Administration Duties:

(1) assisting the PMC and members of the Mess Executive Committee

including, but not limited to:

  1. assisting the Mess Secretary in the handling of Mess

correspondence, including providing written quotes for inside and

outside functions, maintaining an appropriate filing system for

Mess correspondence and returns, and keeping the Mess bulletin


  1. at the request of the PMC, attending Mess Executive Committee

and General Mess Membership meetings; and

  1. assisting the Housing Member (or Vice PMC, if no Housing

Member is appointed/elected) maintain the listing of all Mess

owned property;

(2) signing members’ reporting in and clearance forms;

(3) preparing paperwork required by NPFAO including, but not limited to,

daily sales reports, purchase orders, cheque requisitions, receipts, and

breakage and spoilage reports;

(4) preparing and making bank deposits;

(5) ordering bar merchandise and supplies;

(6) accepting and accounting for, through the use of receipts and daily sales

reports, all monies from mess functions, and bar sales; and

(7) certifies breakage and spoilage registers;

c. Coordination Duties:

(1) assisting Entertainment Member with the planning and execution of

official Mess entertainment activities;

(2) booking inside and outside social functions in the Mess, including the

providing quotes/estimates, preparing agreements, and invoicing;

(3) on a monthly basis, providing the Mess Executive Committee a calendar

of upcoming activities occurring in the Mess; and

(4) assisting Stocktaking Committee in their performance of quarterly


d. General Duties:

(1) ensuring that the Mess is maintained clean;

(2) ensuring Mess property and equipment is maintained in proper working


(3) reporting any irregularities to the PMC;

(4) ensuring monthly stocktaking is performed;

(5) ensuring proper control and security of Mess cash floats, sales revenues,

inventory, property and equipment;

(6) ensuring enforcement of DND/CAF, 41 CBG and Alberta Gaming and

Liquor Commission policies, regulations and orders;

(7) providing advice on Mess matters to the Mess Executive Committee; and

(8) performing such other duties as directed by the PMC.